Yakaoma sei PVC foam board?

PVC foam bhodhi chinhu chakareruka, chakasimba uye chakasimba chinowanzoshandiswa mukuvaka, kushambadzira, fenicha uye mamwe minda. Iine kuoma kwepamusoro uye inogona kumira imwe chiyero chekumanikidza uye uremu. Saka, chii kuoma kwePVC foam board?
Kuoma kwePVC foam board kunonyanya kuenderana nekuwanda kwayo uye chimiro chemukati. Iyo yakakwirira density yefoam board, iyo yakakura kuoma. Kazhinji kutaura, kuwanda kwePVC foam board iri pakati pe0.3-0.8g/cm³, uye kuoma kuri pakati pe45-80. Iyo yakakwirira density uye kuoma kunoita kuti PVC furo bhodhi ive nani compression kuramba uye anogona kutsungirira huremu hukuru uye kumanikidza. Kuoma kwePVC foam board kwakakosha zvikuru pakushandiswa kwayo. Kuoma kwepamusoro kunobvumira PVC furo bhodhi kuti rimire kudzvinyirirwa uye uremu, haisi nyore kukanganisa uye kutyora, uye inogona kuchengetedza pateni uye ruvara rwechiso chayo kusvika pamwero wakati. Naizvozvo, PVC furo mapuranga anowanzo shandiswa kugadzira zvikwangwani, kuratidza racks, fenicha uye zvimwe zvigadzirwa zvinoda kumirisana nehumwe huwandu hwekumanikidza uye huremu.
The above is the relevant content about the hardness of PVC foam board introduced by the PVC foam board manufacturer. I hope it can help friends in need. If you need to know more about the board in the future, Linhai Xinxiangrong Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. was established in 2005. It is an enterprise specializing in the production and sales of decorative materials. The company is headquartered in Linhai City, Zhejiang Province, covering an area of ​​5,000 square meters, with modern production workshops and advanced production equipment. The company mainly produces various types of decorative materials, including Pvc Foam board,Pattern Pressed Board,WPC Board,Pvc laminated board,Door panel,Door frame. The products sell well at home and abroad and are well received by customers. please follow Xin Xiangrong and our email. It’s info@lhsxxr.com or call +8615657619060

WPC Board

Nguva yekutumira: Jul-22-2024